Other Ways to Get Involved
Like DARTCC’s mission and want to help?
Here are several ways to get involved.
Fundraise on Our Behalf
Create a fundraiser on behalf of DARTCC. Not sure where to start? Visit our JustGiving site and start a Fundraising Campaign and raise money for our cause.
Company Matching
Does your company offer matching gift programs? Donate to our nonprofit and double the value. Submit a matching gift request to your employer and the company will make an additional donation.
Share Your Support
Word of mouth carries far. Spread your enthusiasm for what EASApp™ is capable of and how it can help support your own community during an emergency disaster. Whether you step out wearing gear or apparel from the EASApp™ shop or share our social media posts – get the word out!
Sign Up Your Team
DARTCC is seeking qualified teams to make EASApp™ efficient in training and managing emergency shelters through various disaster scenarios. If you think your team is organized and state-deployed (and falls under our other qualifications), reach out – we’d love to hear from you!