Apps for Volunteers helping pets before, during, and after a disaster 



DARTCC is headed to the NASAAEP 2024 Summit!

DARTCC is headed to the NASAAEP 2024 Summit!

 DARTCC is headed to the NASAAEP 2024 Summit! Attend our workshop presentation: Train on EASApp: The Emergency Animal Shelter App, Beta Tested During Vermont Floods.

Workshop Summary:

Hear speakers Deb Shelby and Danica Stein breakdown exactly how the CVDART (Central Vermont Disaster Animal Response Team) beta-tested EASApp during Vermont’s unprecedented 2023 floods. Learn how the operational platform seamlessly managed 72 pets for 26+ days and 1700+ volunteer hours and saved the lives of numerous pets through its detailed processes.
We wrap up the presentation with hands-on training. Log into EASApp using your personal device and learn how to use the operational platform to manage emergency animal shelters during a disaster. We will break into smaller groups and provide scenarios to give attendees a chance to experience EASApp’s ground-breaking capabilities.
EASApp is Vermont tested, and teams across the country and internationally have taken notice. This seamless paperless solution offers emergency shelter management, but also disaster training, which many see as a critical and essential disaster preparedness tool. As a nonprofit organization, DARTCC’s goal is to provide this resource to volunteers at no cost through the assistance of grants and donations.